Wednesday, August 10, 2011

(Similar to previously asked question) What "compromises" have you made with baby's exploration?

I let my boys explore just about anything that I know can not harm them such as unburned candles, my flowers, home decor..It is always under my supervision od course! I have found that if I let them exlpore the new things and let them know that it is mommys "prettys" that they do not mess with it much rather than them just wondering what is it and what it's for and does. I have had great success with this technique and I will continue to use it unless it no longer works. When I take them to the store I try to let them see the new things and tell them about them that way I hope that they will not mess with them on the shelves...I may not do everything the right way, but who's to say what the right way is? I do what works best with my family.

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