Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why is ity always the only sin that people really talk about, isn't ALL sin equal in God's eyes?

In Deuteronomy (which is a book of laws at that time, for that time) which also states, one can not eat shell fish, work on the Sabbath, wear clothes of different material, sow different types seed in the same soil, etc. So why focus on just uality? When clearly there are other things people clearly do everyday all day without asking for forgivness of these other things. In Gods eyes all sin is equal. A murderer, childmolester, drug addict, alcoholic is just as bad and equal to white lie, judging other, out of wed-lock, baby out of wed-lock. We have to also remember the fuits of a Christian and how we have to act daily. Christ was, is, and will always be the new covenant...where is it that he spoke of out of his mouth just talk about and bring up exhort s?? No where. I could go on and on and on but Im just trying to understand.

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