Monday, August 8, 2011

Is my boyfriend worth it?

In the last month, my boyfriend has been coming up with the same excuse of why we cannot go places together.He's always pulling the line of "I'm sick". The thing that disturbs me about him is that he promised me that he took his ex off his phone, off his messenger and off his mysapce friends. However, she still is on his myspace even though he claims to block her. I told him that if you block somebody, they come off your friends list. (my friends and i did a tester to see this). Also, i asked him if he talks to this girl, and he said she "Ims me from time to time" but i said, didn't you block her? He told me on her other screen name. (i saw his buddy list and he has her on the alert on so when she comes on) Also, he still her her in his phone under the old pet name he gave her despite him telling me she was off the phone. The girl called and texted him and she is well aware of our relationship.he claims he never loved anyone more than me. His actions dont aline with his words. HELP

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