Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm 16 and pregnant.?

Find a time and place where you can talk privately with your parents. Start by saying you have something really important to tell them. You can also say that it’s taken a lot of courage for you to be honest with them. Then, just tell them. Parents of teenagers have a variety of reactions to news of a pregnancy. By the time you tell them, you’ve probably had some time to adjust to the idea of pregnancy yourself. Your parents may need a similar adjustment period. In the end, the majority of parents want what is best for their child, and when it comes to a pregnancy, it’s no different. You know your parents and your situation the best, and many girls will feel nervous or scared about having this conversation with their parents. It’s important to see a doctor or clinician as soon as possible. Getting prenatal care early in a pregnancy is one of the best ways to prevent any health problems for you and your baby. . Depending on exact birthdays unless you are over three years apart can it be stat. .as for all the abortion stuff, unfortunately you live in a very strict state. you cant even get birth control without a parents permission under 18 unless your married.There are many, many pros and cons to think about. Here’s a list of things to take into consideration. Possible ProsParenting, including loving a child and being loved in return, watching that child grow and develop and playing and having fun together, can be one of the most joyful experiences in life.Most people, both teens and adults, find that becoming a parent pushes them to a new level ofresponsibility. A parent who holds his or her baby for the first time sometimes realizes that this small being is completely dependent, so a parent gets and keeps a job to support the child. A parent who couldn’t be relied upon to do his or her chores before a baby is born now keeps the baby clean, fed and clothed with great care. Some teens may really enjoy this responsibility and thrive in their role as a parent. It can be rewarding, though difficult, work.Possible Cons Teen parents cannot live the life of a typical teenager. You will no longer be able to go out with friends whenever you feel like it. You will have to figure out how to finish school, while caring for a baby, who needs care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your life will revolve around another little person, who depends on you to meet every need.Teen parents need money. Children—babies especially—are expensive. Many teen parents are still in high school, so they don’t necessarily have the skills or experience to get a job that supports them. If they drop out of high school to work, teen parents may only qualify for lower-paying jobs, because they don’t have a high school diploma. Those teen parents who go on to good careers may have to depend on the support of parents or others in their lives while they continue with high school, skill training or college. Babies also change relationships between couples. They can put a lot of stress on even the most solid relationships. Young parents often want to stay together and perhaps even get married one day, but that does not always happen. Often the financial and other day-to-day stresses are too much for the relationship. If the couple splits up, there can be bad feelings and conflict. Despite this, children can benefit from the positive involvement of both parents. Being a teen parent may mean working hard to maintain a workable connection with someone that you no longer care about for the sake of the child. Children are a true blessing and even though its hard, you have to realize some people dont even ave the ability to conceive. I myself had a baby at 16, and it was hard, there were struggles but it was also the biggest blessing of my life. I was terrified to tell my parents and family thinking they would be mad, and kick me out, they were mad at first but they got over it and were very supportive. I wouldnt take my baby girl back for the world. Although its hard to finish school at first its possible, i too online schooling to graduate highschool. Keep school, whats best for you, and your child (if you decide to keep it) in mind, hope this helps, hope all gos well, and whatever happens you have a good outcome

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