Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do I still have the right to maintenance & repairs while in a legal battle with my apt. complex? -from-Angela?

I've been here at this apt complex nine months w/o ANY probs. Two weeks ago a very drunk man, that lives here too, but on the other side of the complex, knocked on my door. I was on the phone, not thinking (making funeral arrangements for family) & opened my door to this very intoxicated man, who attacked me, also knocking the phone out of my hand (my family heard this, 1500 miles away). My husband came in pulled him off me, threw him out &, the man kept coming back for more so my husband put him down. Now I am being told that I have to move because I beat up an older disabled man. I am disabled as well. I went to talk to the cops, no help there, they just told me I was getting screwed over. Anyway, I went to talk to the manager & she told me that their lawyers were handling it. Noone saw this man break into my house, but everyone saw the incident outside. Cops said he had no marks on him. I was told to pay my rent that day no matter what, so I did, it was returned to me 2 days later.

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