Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why does my question about Bridgeport Bankruptcy show , in my profile. 2 answers and when you access the ques,?

My question , in my profiles shows 2 answers, when you pull up the individual question, it says no answers yet???????

On a scale of one to ten how easy would you say it is to slay a dragon?

How many mana potions should I bring along? Do I go North, South, or Dennis? My grandmother has been captured and the family treasure is at stake. Not to mention my brother just called me to say that the princess was in another castle :( Please answer posthaste!

Why are Brazilians and Colombians such savage, sociopathic people?

Why are Brazilians and Colombians such savage and sociopathic people? Brazil and Colombia are perhaps the most dangerous countries in South America. These people seem to be desensitized from violence and savagery. And absolutely no one from South America has a problem with murdering anyone for a 100 dollars.

You frequently hear the phrase 'form follows function' in biology.?

You frequently hear the phrase 'form follows function' in biology. How does bilateral symmetry, cephalization, a circulatory system and a complete digestive system serve the functions seen in animal groups.

Guess my favourite names & BQ?

Elizabeth Charlotte, Katherine Isabella, Madeline Violet, Charlotte Leann, Zena Mae Boys Frederick James, Sebastian Michael, Theodore Ruben, Andrew Lucas, Charles William BQ Boys Jayden, Kyler, Dallas, Emerson girls Leah, Eden, Brielle, Karly

I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I've looked in a ton of online libraries where you can read books for free and I cannot find Ernest Hemmingway's A Farewell To Arms anywhere! If someone can please help me find the free online version I would be so grateful!

I just saw a teaser on The Soup about Heather fighting at the I Love Money reunion. Anyone see? Video online?

Heather and Megan were fighting about everything that happened with 12 pack and how Megan wanted seconds after Heather, they were basically calling each other hoes and bitches, they always repeat it so just wait for it to be on. check like tv guide or something for i lov emoney reunion.